This is how I am doing Obsidian. Core goals for my setup are:
- Synchronize vaults between my multiple computers (Windows + Linux + Chromebook) and my phone (Android) without paying for any monthly service calls.
- Publish some notes on a public website for sharing to others using Digital Garden.
Synchronizing Vaults between computers
If you want a seamless experience vault synchronization, without any work, and have a few extra dollars a month I recommend getting Obsidian Sync It solves this problem between all the various devices you can run Obsidian for $8 per month.
I pay too much in monthly services and I enjoy the challenge of finding ways to do file synchronization between different computing environments in my life. I don't' have a problem paying for tools like Obsidian & the other parts needed to do the synchronization approach am doing below -- just trying to minimize the monthly things.
Setup Google Drive as a local mounted file system.
Windows and Mac users can use the Google Drive for Desktop tool to make this happen gracefully. (need a mac user to verify this is true).
- Go to: and click on the Settings Cog icon (top right) to get link to Drive Download.
- Install & launch the app and login with the Google Identity you want to be your primary location for organizing your own (and shared to/from others) vault folders.
- I recommend using InSync - instructions on my Linux Google Drive Mount#InSync note. Yes that app has a one time payment.
- These already have your google drive mounted. What you do is: Enable Linux, Share your obsidian vault folder to Linux, Install Obsidian in Linux like you normally do, Launch it in Linux and just open up the vault. Easy!
- I have found the android app DriveSync solved the problem really well for Obsidian. Pretty sure I did a one time payment for this app too.
IOS / iPhone / iPad: I have no clue. Haven't even researched it. Let me know.
Pick a google drive folder to use.
- Share it to any collaborators. Ensure it is mounted on your workstations as file system (G: on Windows).
- Collaborators: Accept the share
- Create a shortcut to the folder into a location on their google drive that is mounted on their local workstations.
Configuring Obsidian
- Turn on Community plugins
- Install & Enable Plugins:
- Excalidraw
- Advanced Tables for Obsidian
Excalidraw Configuration
- Saving -> Enable Decomress Excalidraw JSON in Markdown View