This is a quick test of a bug report for the Digital Garden tool. The GitHub report Codeblocks are not inheriting style settings from Obsidian #476.

# comment here
variable_data =

The above looks like the image below in Obsidian. How does it compare in the website?
Pasted image 20231014233310.png

New Test: obsidian markdown syntax image size

This is a test for the bug report 492 "obsidian markdown syntax image size info don't work"

i use obsidian markdonw syntax to specify image size, like ![300](image_url), website html loss all image size information.

# the above image is
![Pasted image 20231014233310.png](/img/user/files/pasted-images/Pasted%20image%2020231014233310.png)

Playing with resizing that and the view in Obsidian vs Digital Garden.

# and the below image is:
![Pasted image 20231014233310.png|50](/img/user/files/pasted-images/Pasted%20image%2020231014233310.png)
# and below that is:

Pasted image 20231014233310.png|50

In Obsidian it looks like:


In Digital Garden website it looks like (as of this test):