The slicer for Bambu printers. Available for Mac, Windows, and Linux over at Their README provides lots of fun details of the features.


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Drawing 2023-09-22 22.58.52.excalidraw.png

Linux Install Notes

They build an AppImage for Ubuntu and Fedora for Linux users.
0. Install fuse if you haven't yet
sudo apt install fuse

  1. Download the Ubuntu App Image
    You'll get something like Bambu_Studio_linux_ubuntu_v01.07.06.92-20230923002726.AppImage
  2. Make AppImage executable:
    CLI example:`chmod +x Bambu_Studio_linux_ubuntu_v01.07.06.92-20230923002726.AppImage
    GUI: File Browser --> File Properties --> Make Executable
  3. Run the AppImage
  4. First Run: Possibly need to accept the cert
    Pasted image 20230922224514.png
  5. First Run: Zip through that Setup Wizard
    Pasted image 20230922224758.png
    Pasted image 20230922224855.png
    Pasted image 20230922224925.png
    Network Plug-in

    The Bambu Network plug-in provides networking capabilities, such as printing via WAN/LAN, remote control, user data sync.
    This might only makes sense on a dedicated workstation on the same network as the printer. Do not bother installing for one-off installs on workstations that migrate to/from the network. So like the a makerspace workstation / instructor station might do this but not a student workstation.

  6. 3DP - 0.Start Printing