Generating a QR code does not require a 3rd party service. You can do it yourself. Many online QR code generators or apps on your phone are pathways that force you to paying a monthly fee to keep your generated QR code working. Frustrating.

A QR code seems like magic but really it is just a fancy way of encoding text data in an image that is easy for a computer to read using a camera.

For example, generating a QR code image for the the text string sentence: "DIY QR Codes are easy" can be done easily on a Linux system (Ubuntu / Raspberry pi OS) by installing a tool called qrencode:

sudo apt install qrencode
qrencode -o easy-qr.png "DIY QR Codes are easy"

This results in ta PNG image called easy-qr.png:


Point your phone at that image and out pops the message:

DIY QR code for your website

This means you can make a custom QR code for any website using the URL of the website through the qrencode command.

For example here is how to make a QR code for the page you are viewing now:

qrencode -o hive-qrcode.png ""

Creating the following image:

QR What?

QR is short for 'Quick Response'

QR Codes were created in 1994 by Denso Wave to track vehicles during manufacturing. The engineers working for DENSO WAVE, led by Masahiro Hara, and Atsushi Tano, who is engaged in the system solution business, offering services/systems utilizing QR Codes.

Drawing 2023-07-06-qrcode.excalidraw.png

Fancy QR Codes via a website:

Don't have a handy Linux environment to use qrencode? Not a problem. The open source community has your back with a website to go with a qr-code library: qr-code-styling is a JavaScript library that is made available on a free to use website: makes it easy to create QR codes on the web w/o installing any tools and it gives you the ability to tweak generation options to go beyond a black and white QR code.

Here is one I did for on the website

amzqr (CLI)

There are other open source tools to play with for QR code like amzqr

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install amzqr


Not that exciting - similar to before but a bit bigger.

Let us spice that up with the following t3logo.png

amzqr -p t3logo.png -c 

That command results in the creation of the following t3logo_qrcode.png (renamed to hive-t3-qrcode.png)

Beyond URLs and basic text

Location QR Codes

HowToGeek / Create QR Codes from command line includes examples for how to store location information. Their example is create a QR Code for Stonehenge:
qrencode -s 6 -l H -o "geo.png" "geo:51.185013,-1.859105"

Here is the command for creating a location QR code for the UAF Cornerstone Plaza:
qrencode -s6 -l H -o uaf-geo-qr.png "geo:64.856123,-147.819509"

When scanned and opened with a map app like Google Maps on Android:

Location data for QR codes

I got the lat/lon of the corner stone plaza for that command from but you can do that directly in Google Maps. Just zoom into the spot you want on Google Maps and right clicking to see the Lat/Lon in the pop up dialog.


SMS prompt syntax: "SMSTO:+XX-XXXXXXXXXX:Hi"


VCard,also known as VCF (Virtual Contact File), is a file format standard for electronic business cards. You make a QR codes to share your contact information.

Create a vcard.txt file using the following syntax:


and render it as a QR code like this:
qrencode -s 9 -l H -o "contact_card.png" < vcard.txt

Example for Bugs Bunny's bugs-vcard.txt

FN:Bugs Bunny
ORG: Looney Tunes

qrencode -o "bugs-vcard.png" < bugs-vcard.txt


WiFi information

The string style to encode WiFi SSID and the password:


Replace the <SSID> and the <password> with appropriate details. Swap out WPA2 for WEP as appropriate.

Email prompt


More Learning:

There are lots of other ways. I recommend the following resources to learn more, like getting a free open source GUI (graphical user interface) or other features:

Segno (Python)

The Segno tool provides both Python QR Code and Micro QR Code encoders plus a command line tool for generating QR codes similar to qrencode. Worth checking out if you are a python hacker.

rqrcode (Ruby)

The rqrcode library unleashes Ruby programmers. Used to write dazzler/zerkqr a silly tool that generates ASCII based QR codes in a terminal from an MQTT topic. No need to ask why, just enjoy.