I love the Ubuntu Nerd .. they give you all the fun icons and have various fonts that make life just feel right. My go-to nerd fonts are:

Linux Nerd Fonts

I have a script to do this for you. Ask me to post it.

Windows / WSL Nerd Fonts

Windows Terminal by Microsoft: Open Settings (Ctrl+,), click either on the selected profile under Profiles or on Defaults, click Appearance and set Font face to (the one you want).

Installing Nerd Fonts for WSL: There are two contexts to what that means: The Windows Terminal side (in windows land) getting NerdFonts so your WSL terminal is nerd font ready .. and inside WSL so any GUI applications you launch can have option of a NerdFont.


Tricky. Dunno how yet. Maybe look at kitty if that works... or not ... who knows.

Misc Notes

Fun times


Guake: Right Click on an open terminal and open Preferences. Under Appearance tab, uncheck Use the system fixed width font (if not already) and select (font you want). Exit the Preferences dialog by clicking Close.